CNN Interview - January 1, 1997
With Parents of Slain Child Beauty Queen
Aired January 1, 1997 - 4:34 p.m. ET
here, he conducted an exclusive interview today with
the child's parents, John and Patricia Ramsey.
all, from a newsstand point, a couple of item's came
out, the Ramsey are going to be putting together their
own investigative team, they say, private investigates.
This is not meant as any disrespect, they say, for the
Colorado authorities. They just want the best mind
possible, they say, looking into this crime.
Secondly, they will be offering a reward perhaps as
much as $50,000 starting next week. It has been a
very difficult week as you might expect for the
Ramsey family, a very difficult interview as well, we
talked to them for about 45 minutes.
CABELL (off-camera): Why did you decide you
wanted to talk now?
we have been pretty isolated -- totally isolated -- for
the last five days, but we've sensed from our friends
that this tragedy has touched not just ourselves and our
friends but many people. And we know that there's
many people that are praying for us, that are grieving
with us. And we want to thank them, to let them know
that we are healing, and that we know in our hearts
that JonBenet is safe and with God and that the
grieving that we all have to do is for ourselves and for
our loss, but we want to thank those people that care
about us.
have just been overwhelmed by the cards and letters
and visits and people we haven't seen for years have
come to call and be supportive in their -- many of
them are parents, and they know and can feel our
RAMSEY, J: But the other -- the other reason is that --
for our grief to resolve itself we now have to find out
why this happened.
CABELL: There has been some question as to why
you hired a defense attorney.
RAMSEY, J: I know. Well, we were fortunate from
almost the moment that we found the note to be
surrounded by friends, our minister, our family doctor,
a personal friend of mine who is also an attorney, and
we relied on their guidance almost from that moment
on and my friend suggested that it would be foolish
not to have knowledgeable counsel to help both us and
with the investigation.
RAMSEY, P: And if anyone knows anything, please,
please help us. For the safety of all of the children, we
have to find out who did this.
RAMSEY, J: Not because we're angry, but because
we have got to go on.
RAMSEY, P: We can't -- we can't --
RAMSEY, J: This -- we cannot go on until we know
why. There's no answer as to why our daughter died.
CABELL: Are you fully convinced that your daughter
was kidnapped by some outsiders outside your family
or circle of friends?
RAMSEY, J: Yes. I -- we don't -- you know, it's just
so hard to know, but we are -- our family is a loving
family. It's a gentle family. We have lost one child.
We know how precious their lives are .
CABELL: Mrs. Ramsey -- you found the note. Was it
a handwritten note, three pages?
RAMSEY, P: I didn't -- I couldn't read the whole thing
I -- I just gotten up. We were on our -- it was the day
after Christmas, and we were going to go visiting, and
it was quite early in the morning, and I had got
dressed and was on my way to the kitchen to make
some coffee, and we have a back staircase from the
bedroom areas, and I always come down that
staircase, and I am usually the first one down. And the
note was lying across the -- three pages -- across the
run of one of the stair treads, and it was kind of dimly
It was just very early in the morning, and I started to
read it, and it was addressed to John. It said "Mr.
Ramsey," And it said, "we have your daughter." And I
-- you know, it just was -- it just wasn't registering,
and I -- I may have gotten through another sentence. I
can't -- "we have your daughter." and I don't know if I
got any further than that. And I immediately ran back
upstairs and pushed open her door, and she was not in
her bed, and I screamed for John.
CABELL: John, you subsequently read the note. Was
there anything in there that struck you in any sense?
RAMSEY, J: Well, no. I mean, I read it very fast. I
was out of my mind. And it said "Don't call the
police." You know, that type of thing. And I told
Patsy, call the police immediately. And I think I ran
through the house a bit.
RAMSEY, P: We went to check our son.
RAMSEY, J: Checked our son's room. Sometimes she
sleeps in there. And we just were --
RAMSEY, P: We were just frantic.
CABELL: How did you happen later to look in the
RAMSEY, J: Well, we'd waited until after the time
that the call was supposed to have been made to us,
and one of the detectives asked me and my friend who
was there to go through every inch of the house to see
if there was anything unusual or abnormal that looked
out of place.
RAMSEY, P: Look for clues I guess.
RAMSEY, J: Look for clues, asking us to do that,
give us something more to do to occupy our mind, and
so we started in the basement, and -- and we were just
looking, and we -- one room in the basement that --
when I opened the door -- there were no windows in
that room, and I turned the light on, and I -- that was
RAMSEY, P: She was --
CABELL (on camera): Mr. Ramsey did confirm that
duct tape was found on his daughter's mouth. I asked
him about a cord found around her neck, that was a
report out of Colorado today, he said he didn't see, it
could have been there but he was panicked at that
point. He picked up the body, ran screaming upstairs,
hoping she was still alive, of course she was not.
There was also a reference to another child that was
lost. They lost his daughter -- his adult daughter --
about four years ago in an auto accident. This is the
second child they have lost.
Coming up in just a few minutes, we address the
question -- I address the question -- to them of their
being suspects themselves. That's natural in a case like
this and we'll ask them about that coming up.
LOU WATERS, CNN ANCHOR: At this hour we're
concentrating on the murder of JonBenet Ramsey
which has shocked and saddened many in her home
town of Boulder, Colorado.
ALLEN: CNN's Brian Cabell this afternoon had
exclusive interview with her parents and he's here
again with more of the emotional interview after the
CABELL: As you know in cases like this it's very
normal police procedure to look at the family first of
all as possible suspects in this case. The Ramsey's say
they understand this, they're well aware of the Susan
Smith case of a couple of years ago, they understand
that possibly they would be looked at suspiciously and
they say they accept this.
CABELL (off camera): You were asked shortly
thereafter for a hair sample and writing sample, blood
sample. Who else was asked for this?
RAMSEY, J: Well, Patsy and I, Burke, our son, who
is nine, every family member.
CABELL: Including your two elder children?
RAMSEY, J: Uh-huh.
CABELL: Any friends?
RAMSEY, J: I don't know.
CABELL: Now, did you give the samples?
RAMSEY, J: Uh-huh.
CABELL: Oh, really? Because the word was that they
thought you were too grief stricken. So both of you,
you gave samples?
CABELL: Were you offended by that?
RAMSEY, P: It was difficult. But, you know, they
need to know -- I mean our hand prints are all over our
home, so they need to know if there's -- if there are
other ones --
CABELL: The police said a couple of days ago, to
assure other residents of Boulder there is no killer on
the loose here, you can be assured everything is under
control. You believe it's someone outside your home.
RAMSEY, P: There is a killer on the loose.
RAMSEY, J: Absolutely.
RAMSEY, P: I don't know who it is. I don't know if
it's a he or a she. But if I were a resident of Boulder, I
would tell my friends to keep -- keep your babies close
to you, there's someone out there.
CABELL: An FBI spokesman was quoted as saying at
this point they don't regard it necessarily as a
kidnapping. You think that's a wrong assumption?
RAMSEY, J: I don't know. I mean, there is a -- a note
that said -- your daughter has been kidnapped. We
have your daughter. We want money. You give us the
money; she'll be safely returned.
RAMSEY, P: It seemed like kidnapping to me.
RAMSEY, J: I guess that's what concerns me because
if we don't have the full resources of all the law
enforcement community on this case, I am going to be
very upset.
CABELL: Inevitably, speculation on talk shows will
focus on you. It's got to be a sickening --
RAMSEY, J: It's nauseating beyond belief.
RAMSEY, P: You know, America has just been hurt
so deeply with the -- this -- the tragic things that have
happened. The young woman who drove her children
into the water, and we don't know what happened with
the O.J. Simpson -- and I mean, America is suffering
because have lost faith in the American family.
We are a Christian, God-fearing family. We love our
children. We would do anything for our children.
CABELL: Do you truly think the perpetrator will be
RAMSEY, J: Yes. Yes. Has to be found.
CABELL: Do you think it's a single individual?
RAMSEY, J: Yes. In my heart I do.
CABELL: Do you take some comfort in believing that
JonBenet Ramsey is in a better place.
RAMSEY, J: Yes. That's the one thing we want
people dealing with us to know, to believe that, we
know that in our heart.
RAMSEY, P: She'll never have to know the loss of a
child . She will never have to know cancer or death of
a child.
RAMSEY, J: We learned when we lost our first child
that people would come forward to us, that sooner or
later everyone carries a very heavy burden in this life.
And JonBenet didn't carry any burdens.
CABELL: The Ramseys are staying here in the Atlanta
area with family right now. They say they intend to go
back to Boulder within a few days, precisely when
they're not quite sure. They say when they go back
they will sit down with the Boulder police. They will
talk. They will tell them anything they want to know.
ALLEN: Brian, are police saying anymore about the
investigation? Leads or evidence from the home?
CABELL: Police have not been particularly
forthcoming about leads perhaps deliberately so, but
they have said very little as to forced entry, anything
like that we simply do not know. The police are
keeping that to themselves at this point.
WATERS: What's intriguing to me is the Boulder cop
said -- assured the public -- there was no killer on the
loose. Now, that suggests they may have a line on
who did this. Isn't that what --
CABELL: You start to question that, but keep in mind
this was the first and only murder in Boulder this year
so there was a bit of panic, a bit of alarm in the
community. I think the police were simply trying to
tell them: Don't worry we have everything under
control, we have police out in the streets. They did
step up their surveillance, so perhaps that's the way to
explain that.
ALLEN: When was the last time they saw JonBenet
CABELL: When they put her to bed Christmas night,
as a matter of fact, and sometime between the time
they put her to bed and 5:50 or so the following
morning she was apparently abducted from her bed.
WATERS: Did I hear the Ramseys are putting out
some money to hire private investigators?
CABELL: They will be assembling their own private
investigative team, exactly how many individuals we
don't know, but private investigators, attorneys, they
say they want the best investigative minds in the
country. They want to coordinate this with the
authorities in Boulder and the Colorado Bureau of
Investigation. But they are hiring their own people and
offer a reward starting next week.
WATERS: What kind of reward?
CABELL: Fifty-thousand dollars was the figure he
tossed out there. He wasn't absolutely certain but he
thought it would be at least $50,000.
ALLEN: Was there something that struck you the most
from your conversation with them?
CABELL: It's just looking at two parents, myself
being a parent. It's very difficult to conduct an
interview, very difficult to be interviewed about losing
a six-year-old child especially in such a violent way.
WATERS: Did you try hard to get them to sit down
and talk? Most folks, in this kind of situation, I would
think, would be very reluctant to sit in front of a
television camera.
CABELL: They said that they had to get over this five
of six days of grieving and burying their daughter,
now they want to get on with this new stage of their
life, and that is: finding the killer. They wanted to get
this off their chest, they want to get this in motion.