Perfect Murder, Perfect Town - Index Access Graphics 10, 13, 19, 30, 106-8, 119, 127, 130-1, 200-1, 271, 291, 427 Barber, Pinky 20, 182 Cabell, Brian 68-71 Danish, Paul 212 Elbot, Charles 28-29, 46-7, 98-100, 147, 186 FBI 7, 9, 10-1, 14, 16-19, 20, 40, 45, 77 233-5, 282, 291, 365, 375, 386-8, 520-1 garrotte 15, 22, 226, 235, 375, 396, 434, 512, 578 Haddon, Hal 78, 218, 246, 282-3, 376, 405-6, 430, 442-3, 474, 537 Internet 192, 272, 221-2, 272-3, 373-4, 469, 569 Jacques (dog) 66, 181, 196 Kane, Michael 468, 484, 491-2, 501-2, 522, 528-30, 536, 542-3, 558-60, 562, 564, 577-8 Laurion, Suzanne 273-4, 311, 320, 322, 331-3, 377-8, 395, 408-10, 531, 548 Mann, Gary 20, 30, 64, 130, 134, 200-1, 271 National Enquirer 142, 148, 229, 267, 274-5, 380, 557-8 O.J. Simpson 346, 502 pageants 93-7, 278 Raburn, Kevin 246-7, 419-421 Sahagan, Louis 451 Thomas, Steve 85, 136-7, 163-4, 237-9, 240, 259, 268-9, 270, 291, 293, 315, 322-3,
341-2, 349-50, 352-4, 357-60, 366-7, 373, 389, 391, 403-4, 411-12, 440-1, 472, 477, 490-1,
509, 511, 513, 515, 517, 530, 541, 543-47, 550-1, 556-7 Ubowski, Chet 224, 325, 511, 570 vaginal injury 43-4, 46, 234, 355, 361-2, 434, 513 Wagner, Laurie 19, 31, 106-107 Yogi (dog) 14
Contributed to by Frank Coffman
Adler, Peter 303
Ainsworth, Steven 121, 123-4, 246-7, 268-9, 280, 303-4, 318, 344-5, 374-5, 406-7
anonymous grand juror 447-448
Andree, Kit 74-6
Archuleta, Michael 10, 60, 104, 577
Armistead, Ellis 179, 240-1, 375
Arndt, Linda 9-10, 12, 15-18, 43-4, 48, 55-7, 61, 77, 88-9, 100, 293, 317, 498, 564
autopsy 31-3, 43-4, 46
Ballard, Kim 230
Barbie nightgown 17, 84, 388, 512, 561
Bardach, Ann 325, 331-2, 377-8, 383, 390, 392, 395
Barnhill, Joe & Betty 58, 66, 139, 179, 181-2, 195
Beckner, Mark 411, 415-6, 441, 444-6, 452, 469, 476-7, 479, 488, 501, 522
bedwetting 94, 181-2, 297
Bellipani, Joseph 479, 492-3, 495
Bennett, Robert 265-266
Bernhard, Dr. Suzanne 105
Beuf, Francesco 21, 25, 255-8, 325
Bible (Ramseys?) 56, 259, 569
blanket 62, 79, 235, 296, 561
blood 44 (and fibers), 184, 132, 405
body withheld 50, 393
Boulder 211-4, 307-9
Boyles, Peter 342-4, 372
Brady, Mrs. 272-273
Brennan, Charles 71, 98, 162, 218, 236, 298, 316-7, 334-6, 357
Brumfitt, Diane 59
Bugliosi, Vincent 568
Burke, Patrick 78, 138-9, 158-9, 171, 218, 225-6, 282-3, 429, 442-2
Byfield, Jim 13, 22, 61, 119
Bynum Mike 21, 39, 45, 48-9, 161, 226, 392-4
Caplis, Dan 367-8
CBI 20, 44, 132, 135, 138-9, 170, 183-4, 205, 224-5, 244-5, 260, 291, 340-1, 357, 416-7,
506, 513, 570, 573
cellulose material 396, 432, 434, 513
Chase, Susannah 453, 461
Chavez, Debbie 572
Chavez, Virginia 208, 400
Child Advocacy Center 51, 105
CNN 65, 68-71, 259-60
Coffman, Frank 314, 333-4, 338-9, 347, 448, 538, 554-5
Colfax, J.T. 288-291
cord (nylon) 576, 295, 323, 314, 513
DeMuth, Trip 23, 246, 268-9, 422, 559, 478, 488, 490, 528, 562
Dirty Harry 224
Douglas, John 81, 151, 238-9, 364-5
DNA 126, 139, 174, 184, 205, 237, 264, 336, 396 435-6, 470, 515, 573, 576
Doberson, Dr. Mike 269
Dressel, Kathy 435, 511
duct tape 15, 16, 81, 137, 183, 184, 233, 234, 240, 295, 323, 389, 513
Dunn, Patricia 22, 31
Durgin, Leslie 72
Eller, John 9, 13, 14, 18-9, 23-4, 40, 42-3, 49-50, 88, 113-4, 136, 154-5, 162, 167-8,
334, 340, 344, 353-4, 365, 367, 401-2, 412, 439-40, 453-4, 461, 477, 608
Elowsky, Jay 156-162
Epp, George 63, 77, 176, 194, 228-9, 344-5, 402, 438-9
Eustace, John 266-7
Evans, Clay (C. Bird) 241, 356, 426, 446
Everett, Michael 13, 16, 18, 84, 266, 516
Fernie, Barbara 10, 16, 60, 90, 182, 516, 578
Fernie, John 10, 14-5, 20, 21, 34-5, 57, 60, 61, 66, 182, 236, 332, 578
fibers 44, 84, 184, 233, 294, 436, 471, 506, 513-4
Fix, Mark 197, 199
flashlight (Maglite) 61, 295, 350, 359, 434, 510-1, 518
Foster, Donald 326-7, 381, 400, 448, 469-70, 487-8, 517, 568-9
French, Rick 7, 17, 20, 59-60
Frost, Tony 219, 382, 411, 417
Furman, Patrick 218
Gibbons, Scott 58, 61
Glick, Dan 205, 356-7, 392, 428, 486
Globe 120-25, 219, 230, 239, 242, 251, 366, 372, 411, 413, 471, 556-7
Glynn, Mike 130-131, 449
Gosage, Ron 105, 136-7, 150, 240, 289-290, 315, 389, 403-4, 411, 529, 534
Grand Jury 397, 442-4, 446-8, 474-5, 479-81, 483-4, 495-7, 517, 563-4, 570-2
Grant, Bob 144, 173, 207, 211, 226, 281, 397, 417, 468, 482, 537, 549-53, 567, 572
Green, Chuck 206, 223, 261, 343, 428, 548-9
Griego, LaDonna 73
Griffin, Kristine 41-2, 94, 96-7
Griffin, Pam 20-1, 23, 37, 41, 93-7, 197, 227, 252, 277, 318, 338-9,
Grimm, David 213
Haney, Tom 13, 245-6, 505, 514, 528-9, 531-2, 534-5, 536, 566-7
Harmer, Jane 9, 105, 230, 255, 345, 472, 503, 513
Harrell, Ken 312
Harrington. Rev. Frank 64, 86
Haun, Yvonne 499
Hayden, Julie 371
Hayden, Niki 26-27, 53-54, 90-91, 133-134
Henderson, Bud 129-30, 139-41
Hoffmann, Ariana 62, 182
Hoffmann-Pugh, Linda 10, 21-2, 54, 62, 141-2, 178-183, 258, 380, 406, 557- 8, 560-2, 577
Hoffman, Baer, Miller 368-9, 397, 443-4, 510, 519
Hofstrom, Peter 7, 23-4, 48-50, 61, 73, 77, 78, 132, 145, 154-5, 209, 225-6, 234, 261-3,
269-70, 280, 282, 335, 395, 416, 440-1, 463, 472, 474, 478-82, 484-5, 503, 523, 540
house (description) 81-4, 350-2, 359, 600-3
Hoverstock, Rol 10, 12, 16, 21, 26-7, 35, 36, 39, 90-2, 92, 133-4, 157, 242-3, 253-4,
311-4, 317, 346, 468, 510
Howard, Karen 107-8, 134, 225
Hunter, Alex 49, 52, 114-117, 134-6, 141-2, 154-5, 168-9, 172-6, 207, 209-11, 214-17, 227,
245-6, 250-3, 260, 270, 278-9, 334-5, 336-7, 348, 349, 363, 372, 381, 386, 396-7, 400-2,
411, 417-8, 442-3, 460, 466, 472-5, 482, 484-5, 492-4, 501, 507, 510, 520-1549-52
Jaleo 470
Jenkins, Jim 476, 507-8, 523, 525
Johnson, Lucinda 51, 194, 250
Keene-Osborn, Sherry 356, 379, 383, 392, 425, 428, 486-7, 565
keys to house 66, 179, 435, 516
King, Larry 347, 382
knife, Burke's pocket 84, 183, 437
Koby, Tom 24, 63, 76-7, 98, 102-3, 108-12, 135, 168-9, 174-5, 194, 227-8, 276, 305-9, 366,
380, 389, 397, 402, 411-2, 415, 422, 438-9, 453-4, 525-6, 539
Korten, Pat 78, 80-81, 89-91, 260
Kostanick, Barbara 37-39, 47-48, 54-55, 100-101
Krugman, Dr. Richard 361, 437
Krupski, Alli 79, 110-1, 143, 289, 355, 364
LeBeau, Phil 284-5, 300-2
Lee, Henry 117-8, 347, 473-4, 508-10, 514, 518
Levin, Bruce 558, 560, 562
Lewis, Craig 112-3, 219, 383, 471, 507, 547, 558
Marino, Jim 127, 449
Mason, Larry 9, 11, 12-13, 14, 16-18, 24-5, 40, 45, 50, 85-87, 233, 423
McCann, Dr. John 437
McCormick, Paul 208
McCullin, Kevin 109-11, 177-8, 194, 415
McGuckins Hardware 129, 136-7, 295, 322-4, 324, 389, 513
McKinley, Carol 236-7, 244, 271, 299, 319, 339-40, 367-8, 371, 380-1, 384, 391, 531
McReynolds, Bill 54-5, 101-2, 154, 183, 197, 203, 205, 222-223, 232, 237, 239, 449, 515,
534, 541
McReynolds, Janet 102, 205, 232, 326, 400, 541
Mears, Jennifer 278-9
Merrick, Jeff & Kathy 13, 67, 108, 127, 449
Merriman, Gary 13, 19, 20, 28, 73, 127-8, 130, 201
Meyer, Glenn 66-7, 139, 241
Meyer, John 22, 31-3, 43-4, 77, 118-21, 152, 234, 334, 434-435
Michaud, David 76-7
Mills, David 429-31, 486-7
Morgan, Bryan 63-4, 78, 87, 113, 126, 138, 231, 376, 428-31, 452, 493-4, 507, 568
Morrissey, Mitch 558, 562
Mullins, Joe 238-9, 242, 251, 252, 314
News photographer 92
Newsweek 392, 565
New Yorker 460, 463
911 call 286-7, 293, 294, 515, 518, 524
Novack, Patty 25, 369-70
Pasta Jays 58, 108, 220
Patterson, Fred 9, 12, 21, 61
Paugh, Don 64, 66, 73, 85, 108, 130-1, 188, 202, 225
Paugh, Nedra 64-6, 75, 85, 181, 188, 190-1, 194-196, 202, 256, 258, 398-9
Paugh, Pam 22, 56, 181, 184, 202, 369, 579
Pettipiece, Jay 435
Phillips, Judith 185-6, 187-192, 347, 448, 454
pineapple 183, 292-4, 432-3, 531, 533-4, 562
Pitt, Steve 441
Police presentation to DA 510-8
Polson, Tammy 95
polygraph 295, 297, 389, 393
Pozner, Larry 203, 537, 553
prints (palm, finger) 119, 183-4, 575-6
Psalm (118) 346-7, 437, 562
"pry marks" 44, 405-6, 516
pubic hair 170-1, 437, 514, 575
Ramsey, Beth 83, 131, 163, 189
Ramsey, Burke 18, 35, 58, 61, 105, 147-8, 286-7, 445, 523-5
Ramsey, James B. 194
Ramsey, Jeff 22, 36, 68-9
Ramsey, John Andrew & Melinda 18, 49, 51-2, 57, 83, 85, 197, 217-8, 220-1, 230-1, 250
Ramsey, John B. 10, 11, 14-5, 18, 19, 21, 35, 40, 45, 54-5, 59-60, 66-70, 83, 104, 106,
130-1, 151, 161-2, 185, 194, 200-2, 248, 271, 291, 295-7, 299, 376, 426-7, 430-1, 468,
470, 493-4, 532-3, 538, 545,
Ramsey, JonBenet 3-5, 15, 27, 35, 37, 38-9, 43, 58, 74-6, 145-6, 181-2, 184, 191, 195-6,
255-8, 399, 579
Ramsey, Patsy 10,11, 15, 16, 27, 34, 41-2, 45, 55, 59-60, 68-71, 74-6, 78, 90-1, 93-6,
131, 146-7, 158, 170-1, 180-2, 185-92, 258, 284-5, 291, 293-5, 299-302, 357, 382-3, 399,
429-30, 468, 471, 517-8, 531-2, 534,
ransom note 7-8, 10, 11, 43, 44, 59-60, 224, 225-7, 234, 294, 325, 357, 383, 518, 576
Reichenbach, Paul 44, 60-1
Richtel, Murray 540
Ritter, Bill 173, 484, 519, 550, 552
Rivera, Geraldo 203
Romer, governor Roy 462, 548, 550, 552-3
Russ, Allison 220, 237
Ryckman, Lisa Levitt 376-7, 449-50
Savage, Suzanne 146-147, 256, 258
Sawyer, Brett 123-4, 199
Sawyer, Diane 392-4
Scheck, Barry 117-8, 139, 143, 264, 508, 510, 515
Schuler, Dan 507, 523-5, 541
Scott, Brian 3-5, 203-5, 345-6
"semen" 44-5, 83, 132, 291
Shapiro, Jeff 219-21, 237-9, 242, 243-244, 249-55, 311, 313-6, 336-339, 341-342, 346-50,,
352-354, 366-7, 370, 385, 390-1, 403-404, 412-413, 499-500, 556-7
Sharpie pen 224, 516, 518, 576
shoeprint (Hi-Tec shoes) 84, 320, 358, 360, 366, 575, 449
Shurford Mills 389
Silverman, Craig 317
Simons, Randy 95, 197-8, 317-8, 421, 570
Singular, Stephen 111-2, 251, 277-8, 317-8, 348, 362
Smit, Lou 245-6, 279-81, 303, 320, 322-3, 334, 345, 354, 357-60, 373-4, 386, 419, 449,
478, 528-30, 536-8, 562, 564-6, 574, 578, 619-21
Smith, Shawn 121-4, 199
Speed (movie) 225, 315
spiderwebs 264-6
Spitz, Dr. Werner 432-4, 437
Stanton, Melody 59, 276, 359, 413, 474, 517
St. John's church 53-5, 89-91, 97, 133, 195, 242, 509
Stine, Glen 58, 540, 570
Stine, Susan 58, 62, 185-6, 540, 542
Stobie, Jane 201-3
stun gun 268-9, 334, 360, 449, 451-2, 556, 576
Suretape (Shurtape) 389
Tracey, Michael 379, 428-31, 486-7
Trujillo, Tom 31, 119, 163-4, 291, 293, 297, 339, 572
20/20 (ABC) 568-9
Valium 25, 41
Vanity Fair 385, 389
Victim Assistance advocates (Jedamus and Morlock) 10, 60, 62, 248
Walker, Ron 11, 16, 17, 19
Walker, Roxy 182, 186, 189-91
Wecht, Cyril 203, 361
Weinheimer, Carey 432-3, 444, 449, 451, 511
Weiss, Barry 16, 60-1,
Wesson, Marianne 210
Westmoreland, Rod 22, 35, 36, 45, 85
White, Daphne 36, 58, 79, 181, 184, 196
White, Fleet 9, 14-6, 33-6, 57-9, 65-6, 72, 79, 182, 184, 253, 274-7, 422, 446, 462-6,
472, 503, 515, 534, 542, 554-6, 577
White, Priscilla 9, 21, 33-6, 56, 146-7, 182, 184-5, 191, 466, 472, 503, 534
Whiteside, Carl 134-6, 139-40, 340
Whitson, Bob 9, 11, 405
Wickman, Tom 57, 269, 291, 335, 362, 381, 402, 522, 528, 536
Wilcox, Linda 258-259, 432, 488, 535-536
Wise, Bill 7, 20, 77, 88-9, 98, 114, 115, 117-8, 143, 155, 176-8, 260, 326, 340, 396, 443,
451, 549, 553-554, 563
Wolf, Chris 148-150, 197, 374-5, 421, 528, 533
Wolf, Denise 67
Woodbury, Dick 378
Woodward, Paula 255, 246, 299, 301, 384
Wright, David 558
Zaret, Eliott 24-5, 27
Zimmer, Rachelle, 260, 298-9, 429, 451