Geraldo Rivera Show - Monday, March 31, 1997
This transcript was found on the old Boulder News Forum Archive and was copied "as is" from the forum posting.
* Interview: JonBenet Ramsey: investigating Mom; panelists discuss
Patsy Ramsey's possible involvement in the murder of her daughter
7499 Words
44648 Characters
Investigative News Group
Burrelle's Information Services
HOST: Geraldo Rivera
(Excerpt from beauty pageant)
GERALDO RIVERA: That is the haunting voice of the innocent little
child who cries out from her grave for justice. But are we any
closer to an arrest in the JonBenet Ramsey case? We will talk with
several experts whose analysis of the evidence points in a startling
direction. Our ongoing investigation of the Ramsey murder poses the
question: Did the mother have anything to do with it? Next GERALDO
(Excerpt from beauty pageant)
RIVERA: It is painful enough to watch the video of JonBenet Ramsey
dancing and posing. It is that much harder to listen to this little
beauty queen, hear her voice. It seems almost as if she is still
around, vibrant and just as adorable as she was when this video was
It has been, ladies and gentlemen, just over three months since
her brutal murder. Who did it and what in the world is taking so
long to resolve this terrible mystery?
That's the main question we'll be asking over the course of this
hour, but our very specific focus is much more narrow. Here's the
question: Could it have been her mother? Could Patsy Ramsey have
played some terrible role in taking the life of her precious
daughter, or at least in covering up the crime?
Today--two exclusives. First, I'd like you to meet an old friend
of mine. This is the forensic psychiatrist Dr. Judianne
Densen-Gerber, but we have known each other for decades.
Dr. JUDIANNE DENSEN-GERBER (JD, MD, Forensic Psychiatrist): Forty
RIVERA: Imagine. She is here today with never-before-seen video
of little JonBenet. That video Dr. Densen-Gerber has carefully
studied, scrutinized and analyzed. You know how I cherish your
opinion and--and hold it in such high regard. My first question is
having st--I--I tell you what. Before I get specific, give me a
general overview of what you have discerned.
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: Well, first I'd like to just comment on what
you showed because it's the only patriotic beauty contest--child
beauty contest singing that. And when I had reviewed about five
hours, Geraldo, of the tapes and she sang "God Bless America," and
she said, `land of the free,' I said, `The land of the enslaved
children.' And my feeling very strong...
RIVERA: And I--land of the enslaved children. Isn't it true?
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: And my first reaction is, one, we cry out
certainly to catch the person who did--was the perpetrator or who
covered up the perpetration. But what about all the other children?
I brought you this, which I--first time I've ever seen--from
Connecticut which advertises another beauty contest.
RIVERA: Mm-hmm.
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: And I have been talking--I wrote the child
pornography and sexploitation laws for Gayle Kil--Kilde all the way
back in 1978...
RIVERA: Mm-hmm.
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: ...which passed. We didn't put in beauty
contests. We didn't even know about them.
RIVERA: Do you think that these contests, per se, are abuse?
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: Well, like this they are. The first one I
studied was one Birch Bayh asked me to study, which was in Naked
City, Indiana, and a very ticklish question, literally, because
Indiana was the first state to have nudist camps. And these had
children under 15 posing, and anybody who could pay $15 could take as
many pictures of them as they wanted. And it took us a while to
close it down, but we did. This is pretty much the same kind of
RIVERA: Is there any indication, in terms of that tape, that this
child was previously the victim of child abuse?
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: Oh, definitely, and I think you've shown some
of them on prior shows, in that you can't look at these tapes and not
see that she has bruises. She has a very big bruise during one time
in her antec--what we call the antecubital fossa, the same place
people shoot heroin. There's another time where one of her eyes
when she's being crowned is barely able to be opened. And
furthermore, there is even the fact that she--when she is crowned in
one contest, she's disoriented and she can't find her way off the
stage, and this is not the first contest. So I think that very much
she was sort of in a trance or in a mesmerized state when she did
this because, really, she was j--a puppet. She wasn't a--her
person--her own person.
RIVERA: Was she the puppet of her mother?
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: Well, for the shows definitely. There is no
question that I think there was a symbiotic relationship between the
mother and child. This mother had been Miss West Virginia. I
believe her sister was also Miss West Virginia and they didn't make
Miss America. And certain people have told me that when this baby
was just born the mother said, `This is my future Miss America.' So
she was fulfilling a long-term dream of the mother to make it.
RIVERA: Is there any indication in your analysis, as you
scrutinize, as you investigate, that the mother could have played any
role in this?
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: Well, there is no reason--let me put it the
other way--there's no reason to suspect the father any more than the
RIVERA: What is there, if anything, in what you have analyzed in
this case that would indicate any culpability or involvement by the
mother, Patsy Ramsey?
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: Well, the first thing is definitely the
bruises, the eye that didn't open, the disorientation at the beauty
contest. To the best of my knowledge, the father never went with
her. I mean, it was the mother who went with her. So it couldn't
be the father at least being the physical abuser of the child. In
addition, the 30...
RIVERA: That's interesting. I'd not--I'd not thought that one
through, but y--of course, that's logical.
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: ..the 30--the 30 visits to the pediatrician,
the mother took her to. What did she go to the pediatrician 30
times in two years for? Looking at the autopsy report, with the
chronic and old vaginitis or inflammation, I have to assume that that
had to be told sometime to the mother. She must have had a
discharge. I mean, she was abused for probably two and a half to
three years.
RIVERA: What would have been the motive that night?
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: There are many possible motives. Either that
the child--which has also been said--did not want to go to the
January 5th Las Vegas or--and I've asked for the curriculum...
RIVERA: That would be--What's that?--about...
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: Two weeks.
RIVERA: ...two weeks--just under two weeks later, after the
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: It's under two weeks. Or it could easily
have been that the child, in school--and I've asked for the
curriculum from that first grade--could have been studying good and
bad touching and she could have easily said, `I'm not going to do
this anymore,' or `I'm going to tell someone.'
There's another thing which I learned from your associate that you
had one of her friends on, and this friend said that Patsy loved her
daughter very, very much, but she was always concerned that she go to
the bathroom, urinate before--and I think this was on your
show--before they went anywhere. Well, it's strange--it's--when you
talk `went anywhere'--it's a little sick joke--before she went to
heaven, I have to say. The fascinating thing in the autopsy that
confused me from the very beginning is she had an empty bladder. So
she had to be k--killed within five minutes after she went to the
RIVERA: Meaning what?
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: Meaning that someone took her to the potty.
It wasn't a death throes, death agony. So some--now to me, it's the
strangest thing in the world for a perpetrator to take a child to the
potty right before you kill the child. In addition, whoever killed
the child, I feel, did not have much strength because the blows to
the head did not fracture anything. It was a contrecoup concussion.
But second of all, if a man becomes enraged and it's a small child
or a woman, he'll just put his hands around her and crack the
cricoid. This person had to take long, thin strings, put
ligatures--put it around the neck and even take a piece of wood to
twist it tight enough to kill her.
In addition, the child appears to have been dragged naked
downstairs because she has a--bruises all over her back and her
thighs. So I would say, I assume, since the father picked the child
up immediately upon seeing her dead in the basement, he would have
picked her up. And if you could pick her up, you'd put her in a car
and you'd throw her in the woods, if you'd done this thing. So it
appears to me the person was not strong enough to pick the child up
or take it. That doesn't mean it has to be the mother, but it does
mean that it could be the mother just as easily as the father.
RIVERA: Here is our plan, ladies and gentlemen: Aside from
continuing our fascinating discussion with Dr. Judianne
Densen-Gerber, we'll be speaking with a former Miss America who was
herself abused as a child and get her take on--on this terrible case.
We'll talk to a reporter who has the very latest and some exclusive
photographs. And we'll talk to a handwriting expert--a renowned
forensic handwriting expert who will give us her take on what
the--that evidence--the handwriting--physical evidence has so far
revealed. Our general title--we're investigating the death of the
child. Our specific focus, though, is Investigating Mom. JonBenet
Ramsey continues right after this.
Ms. MARILYN VAN DERBER ATLER (Former Miss America Who Was
Sexually Abused By Her Father): (From upcoming segment) ...not crying
but close to it and she said, `You said something that hurt me very
badly today.' And I said, `I'm sorry, Mother. Tell me--tell me
what it is and I'll try not to say it again.' And she said, `You
said your father pried you open...'
(Excerpts from 02/26/97)
Dr. CYRIL WECHT (Pathologist): Do I believe it was accidental in
the sense that it was not an intent, initially, to kill this girl?
Yes, very much so. And with regard to the sexual business,
too--chronic, acute--the fact of the matter is there is no evidence
of a brutal sexual assault on this girl. It was a careful situation
so as not to leave any injuries.
Ms. JERALYN MERRITT (Criminal Defense Attorney): The pediatrician
of this child m--met this child many, many times over the last couple
of years. He says there was no prior sexual abuse, no evidence of
it. And he also says that he would have known it if there was.
And he saw this child on a regular basis, and I think we have to give
some credence to that because, with all due respect to Dr. Wecht, he
hasn't spoken to the pediatrician as far as I know and he hasn't met
the child.
(End of excerpts)
RIVERA: The debate on location in Boulder, Colorado, between Dr.
Cyril Wecht, on the one hand, the noted forensic pathologist, and two
of the local criminal defense attorneys, Jeralyn Merritt and Larry
Let's go right now to Tony Frost, the editor of the Globe, the
controversial tabloid that has, though, broken some exclusive ground
in its coverage of this troubling case.
Tony, welcome aboard.
Mr. TONY FROST (Editor, Globe Magazine): Hi, Geraldo.
RIVERA: Tony joins us via satellite from the Globe headquarters
in--in Florida. What city in--in Florida are you?
Mr. FROST: Boca Raton.
RIVERA: Boca Raton, OK.
Mr. FROST: That's right.
RIVERA: Before I get to what's new, I was away last week and in
looking at your edition last week, Tony, you had some photographs
here--Joel, follow me--that I want you to tell me the significance of
as we go through them. First of all, you have a photograph inside
what you call the `death mansion,' the child's bedroom...
Mr. FROST: Yeah.
RIVERA: ...I'd not seen the picture--footprints indicated here
near the bed. What's the significance, Tony?
Mr. FROST: Well, this is where the crime started, Geraldo, in
JonBenet's pink-painted bedroom. And we see that the police cut
into the carpet to take away samples of carpet. And there's two
squares there, and that we believe--or we're told by our sources,
police found fibers, possible signs of footprints. Now between the
bed they took a--between JonBenet's bed and a spare bed, they took
another square of carpet. This is where they initially thought
there could be semen stains. This is where a fluid was found.
RIVERA: And here, her dresser. You show her little dresser with
her--her little, you know, crown and whatever.
Mr. FROST: Sure.
RIVERA: What's the significance of this photo?
Mr. FROST: The significance of that is the experts we showed
these photographs to--we showed them to five experts, all--all top in
their field and Cyril Wecht was one of them--and they made the point
that this was a very neatly kept dresser, including items like
JonBenet's earrings, her tiara, her bracelets. And it was all
neatly kept. Now--now that shows that there wasn't a struggle
because if there had been a struggle, the odds are, say the experts,
she would have knocked the dresser top and knocked some of these
items off.
RIVERA: All right. A square cut out; you say semen stains.
Now, Judianne, they may have found semen. It might not have had
sperm in it, indicating...
Mr. FROST: That's right.
RIVERA: ...perhaps the donor was a man with a vasectomy. I don't
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: I've asked for that, too. Whether...
Mr. FROST: That's right.
RIVERA: I don't know if John Ramsey had a vasectomy...
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: I've asked that question.
RIVERA: ...or not, but go ahead, Tony. What about this?
Mr. FROST: The--the--the--the initial information that we had
from our sources was that square was cut out because--because
forensic investigators believed they had found a semen stain. That
may not be the case, but that's what--one of the objects that's being
tested at the laboratories at...
RIVERA: At Cellmark Diagnostic in Maryland...
Mr. FROST: Yeah.
RIVERA: ...this footprint in the--in the child's bathroom, I
Mr. FROST: Yeah. Now the other thing we have is there was
anoth--there was another square taken just inside the doorway
of--o--of JonBenet's bedroom, and we traced the killer's steps that
night from--from the bed where the crime took place--and this is
where most experts believe she was killed, that she was choked on her
bed. And then the killer dragged her, or carried her--part carried,
part dragged down the spiral staircase. You can see do...
RIVERA: Down here?
Mr. FROST: the--down the staircase. You can see
that it's been dusted for fingerprints as has the--the outside of her
door dusted for fingerprints.
RIVERA: OK, let me flip the page.
Mr. FROST: Now two--two more pages. We see the door to the
cellar at the bottom of the spiral stair--at the bottom of the
staircase, and then we go into the basement and we see the golf
clubs--John--John Ramsey's mono--monog--monogrammed golf bag, another
set of clubs, presumably Patsy's, beside it. And on the floor,
traces of a red substance. This, we're told, is luminol, which is a
chemical used to bring up bloodstains on--on--on floors--flooring and
carpets. So...
RIVERA: OK. And here, the final photograph.
Mr. FROST: Her final resting place, where her body was dumped.
RIVERA: In the cold, dark cellar. Her body...
Mr. FROST: This is--this is an--this is an annex to the basement
through--through this door here. Now initially, when
the--when--when police came--a--and--this room was not searched.
The door was jammed; it wasn't opened. And this is where John
Ramsey, eight hours later--after the police were first called, this
is where John Ramsey found JonBenet's bound body, ripped off the duct
tape and took her upstairs and placed her un--beneath the Christmas
RIVERA: All right, Tony, tell us, if you can, what's new? You've
just put next week's edition to bed. What's in it?
Mr. FROST: We--we have more--further evidence here in the latest
issue, Geraldo, more--more photos--five more photos which show a
false lead that--that--that police believe was the--deliberately set
in the basement. It's a window that was left ajar and police
examined all around it and they came to the conclusion that no one
came in or out of that window. They believe the killer opened it
to--to mislead investigators.
RIVERA: And remember, folks, no footprints in the snow outside...
Mr. FROST: That's right.
RIVERA: sign at all of forcible entry.
Mr. FROST: N--no. The other interesting thing, Geraldo, is that
we're told police sources believe the killer wiped himself down and
possibly wiped down JonBenet's body.
RIVERA: Himself or herself.
Mr. FROST: That's right. And--an--an--and we have the basement
toilet which was ripped apart. The plumbing was taken to pieces by
the investigators looking for traces of--o--of--of the fiber or
material that--that was used to wipe--wipe JonBenet down and
used--and--and--and the killer himself wiped himself down.
RIVERA: OK. Tony, thanks.
Mr. FROST: Sure.
RIVERA: Ladies and gentlemen, Marilyn Van Derber Atler knows a lot
about what it feels like to be exploited as a child. She also knows
what it feels like to be horribly abused by her own family. Her
father, ladies and gentlemen, abused her in a sexual and emotional
and--and mental way between the ages, I think, of five and 18 years
old. She is Miss America 1958, and she knows of what she speaks.
And we'll hear from Marilyn right after this.
We're Investigating Mom.
RIVERA: Here she is, Miss America, Marilyn Van Derber Atler, 1958.
And as she talked there and paraded in front of all of us, what we
didn't know is that she had a deep, dark and terrible secret. Her
father, a prestigious man in the community, a wealthy man, a popular
man, had abused her for 13 years.
When you see the video now--first of all, how old were you?
Ms. ATLER: Twenty.
RIVERA: So two years had gone by, more or less. First of all,
Ms. ATLER: Thank you.
RIVERA: Thank you for being here.
Ms. ATLER: Thank you for the work you do.
RIVERA: She's become a tireless campaigner against child abuse and
exploitation, and we love her for that.
Let me ask another question. I know how you react, because we've
been together before, when you see the--the videos of this little
child. Tell us why you have such a negative response to her
prancing and dancing.
Ms. ATLER: I--I think watching it today was as difficult as
watching it the first time I saw it. Just seeing it over and over
doesn't--doesn't take away how this chid was used, how she was
exploited, how she did exactly what she was told to do.
Th--th--that's abuse, in my opinion. I--I've been asked to judge
these Little Miss pageants for years. Who had any idea? Who had
any idea what they--what at least this one was like? I don't know
what all of them are like. But they should be outlawed. No girl
should be involved in any sort of pageant like that until she's at
least 16. We should end it.
RIVERA: There's definitely a sexual aspect to the way they
costumed her.
Ms. ATLER: No question about that.
RIVERA: I saw that the first day. It is impossible--as that
assistant DA in Denver said the very first day, `It's impossible to
look at these videos and not see a terribly exploited child.' I
believed that then, I believe that today. But here's our focus,
Marilyn. We were wondering about Mom and we're wondering about what
role, if any, your mother played--and I don't know to what extent you
have spoken of this before--in this long, long period your father was
so abusing and exploiting you.
Ms. ATLER: I haven't spoken of it before. I think most of us
almost literally give our lives for our families because we don't
want to destroy our families. I would never have put my father in
jail. Let--let me rephrase that. I would never have put my father
in jail until I learned only three years ago that he never stopped.
My sister Gwen, who is six years older, when I went to talk to her,
sh--she was 30, married with two children, and her first words
were--to me were, `I thought I was the only one. I never should
have left you. It's my fault.' She thought she was the only one.
I knew I was the last one. And when I learned three years ago that
my father never stopped, that he violated until he died at age
75--that's why many survivors come forward. They won't come forward
for themselves, but if they find that their violator is continuing to
violate, then they may come forward and say, `Not the next
generation. No, no, we're going to end this.' So I would've--I
would have pressed charges against my father knowing that.
My mother died in June, and I was a--a very good daughter to her
and I was very respectful. And I would not--and I chose carefully
what I said about my mother while still trying to educate. I think
one of the most difficult sentences I've ever said in--in public--I
was talking to 600 people, and one day I just--I just said, `My--my
mother hurt me more than my father ever did.' And I was expecting
people to say, `Why don't you leave? We don't understand that.'
And these--these people were just nodding and coming up afterwards
and saying, `Yes. I--yes.' And I know that's so hard to
understand, but m--when I told my mother a year after my father died,
she said she didn't believe me, which I was not prepared for at all.
I mean, now I say to survivors, `Don't expect--don't--don't expect
the support.' And when she said she didn't believe me, I just felt
like I'd been--I was 48 years old.
She died in June. In November, I spoke in Medford, Oregon, and
people stand up in line--stand in line to talk to me. And I noticed
this woman in her 70s, pure white hair, waiting to talk to me and
finally an hour, she gets up to me and she said, `You know, I worked
for your father for a number of years.' And I said, `Really?'
Ms. ATLER: And she said--and I said, `I'm sorry.' Meaning, `I'm
sorry that you--I know you adored them both and I'm sorry that you
had to hear what I had to say tonight.' And she dropped her eyes and
she said, `Actually, your mother was in touch with me twice since
your story came forward,' which is 1991. And I said, `Really?' And
she said, `She told me that what you were saying wasn't true.' And I
thought, `Why doesn't that surprise me.' She defended my father
t--to her death. She couldn't--she--my mother was not a mean or a
vindictive person. You would have adored her. She was funny
and--and smart and she had all the social graces. She just couldn't
take my father on or--or s--or s--if she had accepted the fact that I
was an incest survivor, then she had to say that--`Then I wasn't a
mother and I--and I wasn't--then all that I thought I was, I
wasn't.' That's real hard.
RIVERA: Did you ever share with your mother--I have this--and
I--I--I'm sorry that I--I need to say this because I know this is
going to be awful in a sense, but I have this image when I look at
you now of something you described once of having you--how you would
try to protect yourself, in a sense, from your father by going into
the fetal position...
Ms. ATLER: Well, that's the only time...
RIVERA: ...and how he used to unpeel you in a sense.
Ms. ATLER: Well, Mother and I never talked about it. And when
my story went public in 1991--I told her when I was 48 and my story
went public when I was 53, and we still didn't talk about it. It's
the elephant in the room that we--but one day she called me, about
four--four years ago and she was--not crying, but close to it. And
she said, `You said something that hurt me very badly today.' And I
said, `I'm sorry, Mother, tell me--tell me what it is and I'll try
not to say it again.' And she said, `You said your father pried you
open.' And I said, `I did say that, Mother, because people are
saying he molested me.' And I--people have to understand what that
means. I locked my body into a tight fetal position and he pried me
open. And she said, `Please don't say that again.' And I said,
`I'll try not to.'
RIVERA: We'll be right back.
Ms. PAMELA GRIFFIN (Friend of Patsy Ramsey): (From upcoming
segment) JonBenet wanted her makeup off after she competed, and Patsy
was taking it off and got some in her eyes and it got a little bit
red and swollen. But her eye isn't swollen from being hit.
(Excerpt from news report)
Unidentified Man #1: Can I ask you to respect her privacy? She
does not want to answer any questions. She just wants to go home.
Thank you.
Unidentified Man #2: Can you tell us why you were in Washington?
Ms. PATSY RAMSEY (JonBenet Ramsey's Mother): I had an oncology
appointment with my oncologist today.
Man #2: Are you doing OK?
Ms. RAMSEY: I had a great checkup today.
Man #2: Good.
(End of excerpt)
RIVERA: That's Patsy Ramsey. I had not seen that. Rerack that,
Donny, please? I had not seen that video. but I want Dr. Judianne
Densen-Gerber, once more to take a look at this and...
DONNY (Cameraman): Camera one.
RIVERA: ...just roll it as soon...
Ms. RAMSEY: (From news footage) I had an oncology appointment...
RIVERA: Freeze it.
Ms. RAMSEY: ...with my oncol...
RIVERA: Comment, Judi?
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: Well, the mother certainly is not as beautiful
as the daughter, even in spite of the ages. I don't have any other
RIVERA: She seems--she seems much more relaxed than the videos
that I've seen.
RIVERA: Much more so.
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: This is after the--the killing? That's an
amazing picture. As you know, Geraldo, last year my son was killed
in an accident and it took many months before I could even really
appear in public.
RIVERA: And you were not even, obviously, involved in his tragic
Dr. DENSEN-GERBER: No, he was killed in California at 32.
RIVERA: Yeah. Well, you know, we e--we expressed our--our
condolences to Judianne then. It's a horrible thing, too.
Yes, ma'am?
Unidentified Woman #1: Yes, my question's for Marilyn. I admire
you for coming forward with this story. It's very difficult to
hear. It must be very difficult to speak about. I was curious, is
there a correlation between beauty pageant participants and sexual
Ms. ATLER: Well, that means we'd have to lump all beauty pageants
into one, an--and there are so many different ones that--and I don't
Webmaster: This transcript is obviously incomplete but that is the way I copied it from the old Boulder News Forum. If I can locate a full version I will correct this file.