Completed a two-year resident training program in the forensic science of
Questioned Document Examination at the U.S. Army Crime Laboratory, Fort
Gordon, Georgia from 1967-1969 and trained with the Post Office
Laboratory, Washington DC.
Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from the University of
and a Masters of Forensic Science degree from Antioch School of Law.
Served with the Army Crime Laboratory System as a Forensic Document
Examiner from 1967 to retirement as Chief, Forensic Document Examiner in
February 1978. Then served as a Senior Forensic Document Examiner with
National Laboratory Center, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms,
Rockville, Maryland from 1978-1980. Established the Immigration and
Naturalization Service Forensic Document Laboratory in 1980 and served as
Chief Forensic Document Examiner until his retirement in December of 2000.
Testified as an expert witness more than 250 times in the last 32 years
Federal, State, Immigration and Military courts throughout the United States,
Puerto Rico, the U.S Virgin Islands, Thailand, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Guam,
Philippines and Israel as well as before the United States Congress.
Fellow of the Questioned Document Section of the American Academy of
Forensic Sciences and a member of the American Society of Questioned
Document Examiners.
Past President of the American Society of Questioned Document Examiners,
oldest professional organization for the forensic document profession in North
Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Document Examiners. The only
recognized certifying body for this profession in the United States.
Has been teaching Forensic Document Examination since 1969, first to United
States Army Criminal Investigators and later at the Federal Law Enforcement
Training Center, Glynco Georgia to both United States Treasury Agents and
United States Immigration Special Agents. From 1986 to 1993. Taught
Document Examination for The George Washington Graduate School of
Sciences teaching 2 classes a year. In 1996-1997 Traveled to the Ukraine,
Lithuania, Estonia and Poland with the U.S. Department of State to train
National police in forensic document examination. In 1999 Traveled to the
Philippines to advise that government in the establishment of a forensic
From 1980-2000 conducted forensic document examinations for the Criminal
Division of the United States Department of Justice, Office of Special
Investigations. The office tasked with the investigation and prosecution of
charged with WWII war crimes activities. Testified in dozens of cases
the United States where old World War II documents were used to positively
individuals, through their handwriting, to World War II war crimes activities.
Conducted handwriting examinations in the Josef Mengele War Crimes
investigation as a member of an international forensic team sent to Sao
Brazil and later testified before the United States Congress on the results of
examination. Examined key documents in the John Demjanjuk case tried in
Jerusalem Israel when requested by the Israeli government and testified in
Jerusalem in that case. Conducted examination of the handwriting of Variel
Archbishop of Romania, which contributed to his identification in War Crimes
activities in World War II and examined and testified in the Manuel Noriega
Conspiracy case in Miami Florida.
Was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal in 1978 by the U.S. Army Crime
Laboratory for outstanding achievements while serving as Chief Questioned
Document Examiner with the Army Crime Laboratory.
In 1979 was awarded the Special Achievement Award by the U.S.
Department of
the Treasury for his Forensic Document Examination work.
In 1982 received the Meritorious Achievement Award from the Immigration
Naturalization Service for accomplishments in the forensic document
In 1985 was awarded the Commissioners Meritorious Achievement Award for
forensic document examination support to the Office of Special
Investigations and
upon his retirement, was awarded the Commissioners Distinguished Service
Award for more than 20 years of Forensic Document Examination work for the
Immigration and Naturalization Service.
After 34 years of providing forensic document examination services to three
government agencies, I have
opened a private laboratory for the forensic examination of documents
specializing in the examination of
handwriting and the examination of documents in medical malpractice cases.
Forensic document
examination in medical malpractice cases requires the use of
state-of-the-art instrumentation to detect text
and page substitutions, alterations and the decipherment of indented writing.
These instruments are used
on a routine basis in my laboratory and I guarantee that you will receive the
careful attention and high
quality service that your case deserves.
Gideon Epstein
Forensic Examiner of Questioned Documents
The evidence that John Demjanjuk was Ivan the Terrible of Treblinka — as
by the U.S. Office of Special Investigations, and by the state of Israel — can
be divided into two categories: eye-witness and documentary.
Mr. Epstein, when first placed on the stand, swore
that the Soviet-source "Trawniki I.D. Card" evidence
(Govt's Exh. 5 & 6) was unaltered. Two weeks into the
trial, Mr. Epstein was recalled to the stand only to admit
that this Russian-supplied evidence had been intentionally
altered by Moscow and that he was aware of those
alterations before the trial!
Gideon Epstein; T005698 - 5893; 1987/05/07 - 11; Vol. 10
[1987/05/07, Thu.; T005698, Vol. 10; Gideon Epstein]
[Top] [1987/05/07] [1987/05/11] [Bottom]
T005698 - Gideon Epstein, forensic document examiner with U.S. Crime Lab in
1967 - 1978, U.S. Treasury until 1980, U.S.
INS Forensic Document Lab since 1980. Expert witness for 18 years on
T005701 - Dec. 18, 1980, OSI brought photocopies of Trawniki ID document
for analysis. Epstein examined both the
photocopies and later the original. He testified at the Feb. 1981 Demjanjuk
denaturalization trial in Cleveland.
"It was on February 27th, I believe, 1981, that the document was made
available at the Soviet Embassy in Washington, DC
and I travelled to that location with a portable laboratory, and by that I
mean that equipment that I needed in order to conduct
my examinations."
T005702 - Verified findings reached on examination of photocopies
concerning signatures of Streibel, Teufel and Demjanjuk;
looked at possibility of alteration or substitution of text.
- Testified at Demjanjuk Denaturalization trial on March 3, 1981
- Photographed Trawniki ID card in Soviet Embassy [color or black and
T005703 - Shaked: "And the original document was submitted to the court,
was identified by the court, and was replaced by
these photographs which you had taken of the document at the Embassy in
T0005708 - tav/172a = Epstein enlarged photo of front of Trawniki ID
[color or b/w?]
- tav/172b = Epstein enlarged photo of inside of Trawniki ID document
[color or b/w?]
T005712 - Sheftel: "May it please the court, we are not prepared to agree
that tav/149 is in fact the same document that the
honorable witness examined at the Soviet Embassy." [Playing games.]
- Overruled by Levin
T005714f - Epstein explains things on enlargement of tav/172a
T005717 - tav/173a = Epstein enlargement of tav/172a
T005719 - tav/173b = Epstein enlargement of tav/172b
T005723 - Epstein: Three stages of handwriting, (1) examination of disputed
handwriting, (2) examination of known
handwriting, (3) comparison between the two, were applied to the alleged
signatures of Teufel, Streibel and Demjanjuk on
T005725f - Epstein compared Streibel signature on tavs/90, 89, 111, 110,
109 = tav/145(3, 2, 8, 9, 7)
T005726 - Epstein: "I examined those documents [tav/145.2, tav/145.3] in
their original condition on April 27th in Frankfurt,
Germany." (At the American Consulate, then they were returned to the Berlin
Document Center.)
T005728 - tav/149 - "rather coarse paper stock, which has rather large
fibers in the paper." "So some spaces here ... are
nothing more than the pen moving over very large fibres."
[So why does this problem not appear on the other signatures and the rest
of the handwriting on the card?]
T005737f - the signatures in tav/145(8, 9, 7) = tavs/111, 110, 109 were
photographed and sent to Epstein from Israel
specifically for this trial.
T005739f - Epstein compares Teufel signatures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 = tavs/149, 94,
95, 97a, 97b = tav/145(17, 20, 19, 21, 26)
T005740 - Epstein examined tavs/94, 95 originals at Westmuthausen,
Germany on April 28, 1987.
- Certified copies of tavs/97a, 97b (signatures 4 and 5) from 1963-05-01
Teufel U.S. immigration(?) visa application were
used by Epstein for the 1981 Cleveland denaturalization trial. Epstein has
never seen the originals.
[??? Then how can he testify about them?]
T005743 - Epstein explains that there is an evolution of a person's signature
with time, such that there is a distinct difference
between the 1934 signature (tav/95) and 1966 signature (tav/94). The
signature on tav/149 is more similar to that of 1966, than
to 1934.
[Does that imply the Teufel signature on tav/149 could have been made in
T005749 - Epstein concludes that Teufel signature on tav/149 is authentic.
T005751f - Epstein starts to testify on the Demjanjuk signature on tav/149.
In U.S. Epstein testified only on the signatures of
Teufel and Streibel and not on that of Demjanjuk
- Levin: "Let's leave the United States apart. You [Shaked] submitted the
contents of his opinion on the 30th of May 1986" -
which presumably refers to Teufel and Streibel signatures only.
T005752 - Levin sustains Sheftel's objection and forbids Epstein to testify on
the Demjanjuk signature, unless and until it comes
up in cross-examination.
[And it never does!]
T005753 - Epstein concludes that tav/149 "is a genuine document, that it
does not bear any evidence of being authored
[altered?], text substituted, or in any way fraudulently prepared."
T005755f - Gill cross-examination of Epstein
- Epstein's general background and expertise
T005766f - Epstein worked on the Sokolov case for the OSI; over a dozen
cases since 1980; majority of documents were
German, such as dienstausweises, intercamp memos, etc.
T005768 - long discussion of standards vs exemplars
T005773 - Epstein: "If another Trawniki card was found and it could be
determined that that Trawniki card was genuine, then
of course it would be the best standard."
- Epstein's first assignment on Demjanjuk case was Dec. 18, 1980; he
presumably knows German.
T005776 - for the Demjanjuk Denaturalization trial in 1980-81, no one else
was involved and he did everything himself.
T005777 - Since his involvement with the State of Israel [date?], Epstein
had assistance of James Larner, a printing specialist.
T005778 - Epstein carried out tests on photostats of Trawniki ID card on
Dec. 18-19, 1980; additional examinations on Jan.
27, 1981.
T005779 - Examination of original [Feb. 27, 1981] inside Soviet Embassy.
T005781 - Gill tries to find out about triangular notch removed from top of
card. Epstein claims ignorance.
T005784f - Epstein believes only one typewriter was used on tav/149; but
did not establish make of typewriter; did not
determine number of Russian or German writers or writings on card; did not
determine if Teufel wrote other things besides
T005786 - Epstein: "There is no way that you can take the name Teufel and
compare it to numbers, or to the 'ruksak'
underneath and come up with any type of conclusion." (Same with Streibel.)
T005788 - With respect to the 2's after Mantel, Unterhosen and Unterhemd,
cannot determine whether the same person made
T005792 - Gill asks Epstein to look at tav/149 and relate all the colors
- yellow stains on front and back
- "aqua blue, the light blue of the Demjanjuk signature" [Green?]
- "little bit darker blue of the Teufel signature"
- "pencil blue writing" = Russian translation over top of German (Socken,
- "red pencil up in the right hand corner and a blue pencil" on RHS
- "purple ink which is the Russian translation" - both front and back
- "black stamped impressions"
- "lighter color perhaps of black or even a darker color of blue" - on stamped
impression to left of Streibel signature.
- ["purple ink" in staple holes in photo near left ear.]
T005794 - During tests on Feb. 27, 1981 in Soviet Embassy, all the spots
floresce under ultraviolet light which Epstein would
attribute to glue.
- "... in my other examinations of documents where glue was used from the
same period of time, I found that it did floresce, that
is the common characteristic of glue from that period of time ..."
T005795 - Gill: card has no date of issue and no date of expiration
T005797 - suggests the holes to right of left ear are staple holes; purple ink
in the staple holes.
T005798 - Epstein did not notice abrasion, perhaps caused by paper clip near
N1 on photo.
T005799 - Epstein: It is usual for passport or identity photos in the U.S. to
have staple holes in them, because they are often
attached to the application forms.
[1987/05/11, Mon.; T005802, Vol. 10; Gideon Epstein]
[Top] [1987/05/07] [1987/05/11] [Bottom]
T005802f - Gill questions Epstein on T's, A's and G's. Epstein attaches no
significance to these discrepancies.
T005805 - Epstein: "Your Honor, actually it lent to the authenticity of the
document because my alignment measurements ... [on
pages C, D = photo side] ... what we call the horizontal alignment was exact
which showed that they were printed at the same
[ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE! The horizontal lines do not align with each other,
are not parallel and often appear curved on
my photostat.]
T005808 - Gill tries to get the point across that prosecution
failed to get an exemplar from Karl Streibel while he
was still alive.
T005811f - Gill questions Epstein about failure to measure size of letters,
their ratios, slant of letters in Streibel's signature, etc.
T005848f - Gill cross-examines Epstein on Teufel signature.
- tav/145(18) is a 1932 Teufel signature, which is most different from
tav/149 and all the later signatures.
- Epstein rejects all of Gill's points re downstroke on "l", slant, etc.
T005868f - Gill refers to Epstein testimony in 1981 trial, where he indicated
he worked mostly from (xerox) photocopies.
T005873 - Epstein: In 1981, the Trawniki ID "photograph was loose enough
to move with your hand, so you could get some
sort of play into the photograph." Could exactly align the two stamps on
photo and paper.
T005874 - "In my 1987 examination [Date?] ... Israel ..., I found that the
photograph was very firmly affixed so that it could not
be moved." There is now a slight overlap on upper right hand corner.
T005876 - Epstein says the discoloration behind photograph was present in
1981. Gill suggests that this discoloration was
caused by solvent used to remove photograph.
T005877 - Epstein states that a chemical test would be required to reveal if
discoloration substance on back of photo is glue or
solvent, but does not know if such a test was requested or done.
T005878f - Epstein gave a lecture on the Demjanjuk case with the approval
of the OSI a couple of months after the verdict,
even though there was an appeal pending challenging Epstein's findings.
T005880 - O'Connor asks who in OSI gave him advice to give lecture, but
Levin disallows question.
T005881 - O'Connor asks Epstein questions on the Walus case to which he
made reference in his lecture. Levin disallows the
- Levin disallows all of O'Connor's questions.
T005888f - O'Connor refers to Soviet fraud "right in a book in front of"
Shaked, which he would like to submit. "... I am sure
this witness [Epstein] will remember very well from 1981 when he testified in
a fraudulent manner in a court in the United
States." Shaked claims that O'Connor wishes to submit the "photocopy which
came from the Soviet Union, the one upon which
the witness conducted examinations."
[Is this the photocopy from which the Russian handwriting has been
T005891 - O'Connor places exhibit on easle and starts asking questions.
Levin explodes and tells O'Connor to sit down.
Levin: "What? Did he say the fraud would not see the light of day?"
[W.Z. Summary:
(1) I am surprised that Epstein did not testify on the Demjanjuk signature on
tav/149 either in Cleveland in 1981 or in Jerusalem
in 1987. How can he conclude that the card is authentic unless he examines
the Demjanjuk signature and concludes it is
(2) U.S. exhibits 5 and 6 were made from photocopies of Trawniki ID card
sent by Soviet Union. U.S. exhibits 5a and 6a were
made from photographs taken by Epstein in the Soviet Embassy. (It is not
clear whether these were color or black and white
photographs.) O'Connor wanted to introduce the original exhibits 5 and 6,
presumably because the Russian handwriting had
been whited out from them. [??]
(3) I was under the impression that forensic testing on photocopies or
photographs of documents was not acceptable in courts
of law. Most of Epstein's testimony in the 1981 Cleveland Denaturalization
trial is based on photocopies or photographs.
(4) I do not completely understand the games being played by the
prosecution, defense and the judges.
**** END of Epstein testimony in trial and in Vol. 10 ****
State and local documents are also vulnerable, according to Gideon Epstein,
chief forensic document analyst with the
Immigration and Naturalization Service. Underlying the problem is a lack of
standards. For example, more than 7,000 types of
U.S. birth certificates are issued in this country by authorized governments
and hospitals, he says. ``If everybody could agree to
use the same security paper, forgers would be less able to pass off
documents on different types of papers.''